Minggu, 27 April 2014

 Oke mungkin pernah dengar yang namanya pagar makan tanaman? Ya mungkin itu yang lagi Happening sekarang. Mungkin karna terlalu dekat dan sering bercerita banyak hal. Justru itu yang mnyebabkan pertengkaran hebat. Yah. Didoain aja lah yes! Semoga cepat sembuh.

Musuhmu bukanlah orang  yang menghadang pedang di depanmu. Tapi, dia adalah orang yang memegang pisau di belakang punggungmu. Kata Kim Woo Bin gitu. Itu aktor ganteng pakek Bangett. *Oke salah fokus.  Bayangin aja, Kalau misal kamu. Tapi jangan sampek lah yes!  Jatuh terus kesapu aspal. Tanganmu tersayat-sayat berdarah-darah Terus panggil ambulan dehhh.. *Oke ini yang nulis minta digampar.  Setelah tangan mu berdarah-darah tiba-tiba orang yang kamu percayai atau yang kamu sayangi atau yang kamu kasihi atau yang kamu utangi -_- datang. Wajah nya berbinar seakan dia akan memberikan pertolongan. Rasanya kaya kamu pergi ke Mall gak banyak bawa duit terus liat barang bagus lagi Big Sale pula *Ini curhat banget. Dan tiba-tiba dia mengeluarkan sesuatu dan disiram ke lukamu. Dan itu adalah Cuka. Oke Fix. Kamu bisa bayangin seberapa perih itu luka di siram pakek air Cuka sama orang yang kamu ‘Percaya’ itulah. Nah,. Itu rasanya. Kamu udah gantungin harapan kamu sama dia. Benar-benar menganggap dia adalah seorang malaikat yang diturunkan buat ada terus sama kamu *Fix ini Alayy. Tapi, Fakta berbicara sebalikanya. Mungkin dia adalah orang yang terburuk ke-7 versi on the spot.

The experience is the best teacher. Cuma kalimat itu yang bisa dipakek sekarang. Mungkin Allah masih sayang sama kamu. Jadi dia menunjukkan siapa orang yang kamu sayangi yang kamu sebut teman itu dengan cara yang membuat kamu sedikit Meng-galau ria. Dan, akhirnya apa. kamu marah sama dia tapi dia ternyata lebih marah sama kamu *Nah kan Songong siapa yang lebih marah gitu harusnya. Endingnya kalian menyatakan perang. Jaman sekarang mah ya perang gak perlu pakek senjata atau Pakek Air softgan. Buka aja sosial media nyampah deh tu disitu. Itulah Indonesia *ini cerita nya lagi nyanyi.
Tapi sebenernya. Gak ada yang harus disalahkan dari kejadian ini. Mungkin ini hanya Salah paham dan yah maklumlah Ababil jaman Sekarang langsung ambil Kesimpulan Se enak jidat nya sendiri-sendiri *ya iyalah ya Orang kita punya Jidat :p

Masalah ini akan bertambah panjang dengan hadirnya peran ‘gengsi’ Si ‘Gengsi’ inilah yang menghantui pikiran kaamu untuk minta ma’af. Tapi, memang sangat amat sulit memaafkan atau meminta ma’af kepada orang yang mungkin telah membuat kita kecewa. Minta ma’aflah seribu kali jika itu bisa menyembuhkan luka, tapi tidak menghilangkan luka. Dan luka itu akan membekas . .

Posted on 00.31 by Unknown

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Sabtu, 19 April 2014

Why does it seem like the word single seems like a death sentence? Why do people feel that being in a relationship is the only way to be? I asked you, instead of looking at being single as something that is non-desirable, why don't you look at your singleness in a different way.
I cannot tell you how many times I have seen people go into a relationships, knowing that it is not right, knowing that the person is not right, and stay in the relationships all for the sake of not wanting to be alone. If you are never alone then how on Earth are you going to know what it is that you do want out of a relationship when you get in one?
If I confuse you when I say this, then how about lets look at it like this. If you are always jumping from one person to the next. Never getting a chance to understand what it is like to be alone then, how are you going to know what it is that you like.
The opportunity to be single is an opportunity to get to know yourself a little bit more. It is a chance to be alone with your own thoughts so that you can say to yourself "this is what I am looking for" versus "this is what I am not." You see so many people jump from relationship to relationship that they never stop to think what is going wrong in the relationships that they are in, and they never learn how to fix it. As a result the person keeps making the same relationships mistakes with the same type of person, and then they wonder why their relationships always ends up in the same space (not working).
The reason why is because sometimes we just need to be alone. We need to be single and we need to have a moment where we can just hear our own voices in what we need out of a relationship without another person in our ear, telling us what is best.
So I say to you, singleness is not a death sentence, so stop viewing it in this way. It is an opportunity to take time out for yourself and to figure out what we want out of life and a partner. It is the time in which we need to reflect and position ourselves for the right one. During your singleness complete a goal or do the things in life that you always wanted to do. Do not sit around in one spot, waiting for a significant other to complete your life. Live for you and realize that that your soul purpose in life is not to be someone else's wife or husband. Do not let a relationship define you, define yourself. Do not let a relationship or lack of a relationship get you down and out. A relationship is really only one minor aspect of your life, so do not the fact that you do not have one keep you from your mission. In the right time the right one will come. While you wait, take this time to learn more about yourself and what you want. It is only through knowing these things will you truly be able to have a satisfying relationship anyway. The right one is out there, take rest in that. But the only way that the right one will come is when are in a good space to receive it. Do not look for someone else to complete you, complete yourself and the other person will add on to what you already have.

Posted on 07.00 by Unknown

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